Friday, January 8, 2010

It's Spooky...

It happens to me every year. I forget about it and then it just creeps round again. Usually I notice a few weeks after it has begun, so I'm able to do it every night for awhile cause I have to catch up. Last series ended with them putting Harry Pierce in the trunk of a car.

You don't put Harry Pierce in the back of a car.

And now it's back and better than ever, starring many of Britain's top acting talents and certainly a few of the BBC's most marketable stars. The ever-charming and very scrumptious Richard Armitage (of North and South and the BBC's Robin Hood reboot), Hermione Norris (most notably of the 90's series Cold Feet) and the only surviving member of the original series' cast Mr. Peter Firth (playing the recently knighted head of MI: 5 Sir Harry Pearce).

Those who have been reading for some time will already know about my love affair with BBC's Spooks (the ongoing show about British Secret Service Agents working in London to foil the world's terror plots against Her Majesty's kingdom) but just for the record: it's back and it's STILL worth checking out.


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