Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Could VS have saved Megan Fox's ass?

So I'm not even going to try and make a case for underwear ads that don't objectify women because frankly I'm not entirely sure that it's possible (please prove me wrong). Here's the thing, do you remember how people were all up in arms about Megan Fox's part in Transformers being even more blatantly about her looks (is that possible) than the first edition? There was one scene in particular which caught the eye and it involved her fixing a motorcycle with her ass in the air...c'mon you know the shot. Slow push from behind into Megan on the motorcycle "fixing it", it's even overlaid with Shia LaBeouf's voice saying he got her a webcam "for her." Sure thing Shia, and you're dating her cause she's smart.

Perhaps (and this is just a suggestion) they should have made Michael Bay exorcise his pervie daemons with this commercial BEFORE he made Transformers 2...it could easily have helped the film (notice the use of "helped" as I'm not entirely sure anything could have "saved" that film). For your viewing pleasure...proof that advertising truly has reverted to sex + danger = sell sell sell.

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