Saturday, March 21, 2009

What are you reading in the morning?

I noticed this opinion piece on and found it intriguing enough to bring to everyone's attention. Apparently there are tools being developed which are designed to weed out opinions which differ from your own and prevent them from arriving in your inbox or popping up on your favourite news source. The idea is that you will never have to read something that doesn't "jive" with your personal views.

The article is interesting and can be viewed here but it essentially suggests that while we each choose which resources we're getting our news from, even one news source can have opposing opinions presented on any given day (though most seem to stick with one point of view). By preventing the alternative perspective from being presented to us aren't we effectively stiffling any hope of dialogue?

Sounds like having a fight with someone and then covering your ears and singing when they want to talk about it. I have never found that to be a particularly effective way to solve disagreements... Besides, if I never read or watched anything that I disagreed with I wouldn't get the opportunity to be angry about things like the Fox News opinion piece below....

EDIT: (March 26th) There has been an official apology made for this segment and the CBC story about it can be viewed here.

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