It pains me that the show is having such trouble getting on its feet. I quite liked Buffy and Angel and I actually do appreciate a little Eliza Dushku (she had some pretty killer lines in both shows). I think the issue here is less that Eliza can't carry the material and more that the material can't carry itself. With the Firefly cancellation and Fox advertising machine looming over their heads I think that the problem lies in the show's attempt to pander to an audience that is not usually looking for out of the box. When Whedon attacks the supernatural (or even the just plain weird) he does it with such flair and comfort that it seems effortless. The absurd is where his strength lies and until the show is able to toe the line between embracing that and not alienating the Fox core audience, I think it will suffer... It is starting to make me weepy watching this show and as much as I love me some Joss I may have to beg off before the season is done.
I just finished watching the two-hour pilot and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I think for a story that is based on a biblical tale the subject matter is dealt with in a real enough way to help us forget (for a collective twenty minutes) that this is about David and Goliath. Although the pilot didn't shy away from the God references it was done in such a way that there were only two parts that cause me a little discomfort. I will not get into details as at least one of the moments is significant and happens at the end of the episode but I will be watching next week. I'd like to see where David is headed.
I have already seen this series as it aired in the UK quite some time ago but if you have some free time you should check this out. The show follows "Belle" or Hannah to her friends, a working girl who just happens to be the girl next door thank-you-very-much, and has to navigate her real life and her sex life while the two things can never seem to meet. Belle often breaks the fourth wall, giving the camera sex tips whenever possible and it is a refreshingly sexy show without being gratuitous. Well not overly so ;)
Quick Tip: if you haven't seen series one, check that out first...although you don't need to have seen it to enjoy this.
Again with the Firefly alumni we have Nathan Fillion in the roll of a bestselling author who joins forces with a police detective to solve crimes (all the while writing his next book about her). Setting aside the tentative premise (stolen right from the type of cheesy novel that Fillion's character Richard Castle would write) I love to watch this man do anything. He navigates the character surprisingly well considering he's a philandering know-it-all famous person who also happens to be a loving father and clichéd divorced bachelor. I think I may give it one more shot just because Nathan Fillion is adorable but I don't have high hopes for this show.
Dead Like Me - 18 year old Georgia Lass is killed by a speeding toilet seat (they are de-orbiting pieces of the Mir space station) and that's when her life really begins. Featuring Mandy Patinkin this show is dark, witty and has surprising heart.
Skins - A fantastic show about a group of Youths in England navigating a series of really messed up situations. The show follows a new member of the main group each episode and is one of the better shows I have recently discovered.
Spooks (called MI:5 in North America) - Think 24 meets Alias if the latter was even remotely realistic. Tension. Intrigue. British accents. This is a show which thinks nothing of killing off its main characters on the fly. You NEVER know what's going to happen in this one.
Yes I have a weakness for British Television but that's okay. Whatever you choose to watch; enjoy!
EDIT: (March 22nd) Because this post wasn't long enough...Dollhouse finally lived up to the hype this Friday. More episodes that focus on those around Echo rather than expecting her to carry the show alone and you're well on your way to a hit Mr. Whedon. Thank you. Finally.
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