The Losers, an action comic originally conceived as a parody of the A team, has the unfortunate timing to have come out the same year as the new A team led by Liam Neeson. In addition the A team movie seems (in trailers anyway) to play like a parody of itself, aping the lines made famous by Mr T in the eighties. All the while another "A" team is being introduced in the adjacent movie theatre as Robert Downey Jr. and every famous person they could find to appear romp through Iron Man 2, which ends up amounting to a glorified trailer for the forthcoming Avengers film.
Having said that, I do think it will be a decent summer for documentaries and foreign films and with the general lack of big blockbusters that interest me I may actually manage to get out and see them. The trailer for Waiting for Superman nearly brings me to tears every time I see it and Disney's Oceans is poised be incredible. In addition there are plenty of docs that came out this year I have yet to see as I've been shirking my movie watching responsibilities in favour of television (which has been increasingly compelling of late).
So in the end, it seems, there may be enough alternatives to the summer blockbusters that I will be able to curb my appetite for film. And of course there's always Scot Pilgrim vs. The world ;)
I agree. The options do not look very good, but you know we will find some good indie films and hopefully some foreign ones too for us to go see!
We also need to keep an eye on the Bloor Cinema.
The only movies coming out seem to be sequels of movies I never wanted to see originally. Except for Toy Story 3.
We should just invest in a projector and a big screen outside somewhere this summer for us to watch things on.
And, last thing I swear... let's go to the drive in this summer!!
Just as a side note there are usually places you can go to see awesome free movies in the park. Check the events on your city's website for more details and have a great summer everyone!
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