I've been skimming the papers and it's come to my attention that in their wisdom the studios may already be developing a "sequel" to
Valentine's Day (the blatantly financially motivated rom-com from New Line cinema). I know what you're going to say, "Siobhan, not only have you
already ranted about this movie, are you not aware of the basic reason for EVERY Rom-com ever made?"
I know, I know.
But the least you can do if you're going to lie to me is pretend to hide it...at the very least. Plus, you know this is going to start a craze. What's next?
LENT: three couples make an abstinence pact over the stressful season of Lent, and come to realize there may be more to their relationships than they every dreamed.Kill me now.
I know how you love those sometimes awful romantic comedies, but is a "Love Actually" American remake starring Julia Roberts and Jessica Biel supposed to make people do anything other than vomit?
Also, why is Julia Roberts wearing fatigues in that picture?
Also, why do they always announce plans for a sequel before the first film has even been released?
amazing stuff thanx :)
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