You see a film that makes you think.
Although it doesn't sound like a relaxing Friday, I went to see Precious with a few friends at the Varsity VIP last night. After seeing the trailer a few months back we have been anticipating this film and with it finally coming to theatres in semi-wide release it was time for us to settle in and experience the story.
I'm not sure I can properly express to you the power of this film. It is a truly unique and moving portrayal of terrible acts perpetrated upon a young girl who, in some ways, genuinely believes that she deserves this sort of treatment. That said, the power of Clareece Precious Jones (and Gabourey Sidibe's portrayal) is that she also believes she has the ability to grow and it is that overcoming of the incredible obstacles in her path that is the crux of the film.
A good deal of the film involves the catastrophic relationship between Clareece and her mother (portrayed with absolute abandon by Mo'nique) and both women give tour de force performances. Was the conflict difficult to watch? At times. But the film remains conscious of its audience and balances showing just enough to drive the point home but not so much that you are overwhelmed. There is humour and light, there is camaraderie and sorrow, and there is a certain amount of horror but the balance is absolutely pitch perfect.
Please see this film; it will stay with you in a positive way that is entirely inexplicable.
EDIT: Gabbe has been doing the rounds of the talk shows. Laineygossip.com has posted the videos of her on the Conan O'Brian show so click here if you'd like to see (I can't get the video to embed for Canadians).
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