Overall I think that the season is going to be killer because I think that the level of dancer they managed to find is incredible. That said, they seem to have loaded the dice on this one because everyone got a style that at least one partner was fairly comfortable with...I suppose that's acceptable; so long as they don't continue the trend. As strange and uncomfortable as the crappy routines are, they make you that much more excited when the couples really hit it hard. Remember Jamie Bayard's last solo dance in Season 3? That made most of the rest of the season less awkward by comparison (look to the right for associated discomfort).
Philnine (Phillip and Jeannine) - I actually really loved this routine (because I have a crush on Tabitha and Napoleon; even though he looked like he was trying to be a male Marilyn in the preview) but I can see where my friend Matt's coming from with the dislike of Phillip. I still like him now but can see my affection waning if the judges continue to praise him the way they do.
P.s. I did think it was adorable how excited they were to be safe this week...though that might have been all about her jumping on him.
Asulio (Asuko and Vitolio) - She has dancer-tude. I HATE dancer-tude. Some of the cheerleaders I have met used to have it and the women who danced chorus in my mom's shows...it's a certain smugness that just pisses me off. Which bothers me cause I thought she was really cute when I first saw her and her partner and I haven't experienced dancer-tude coming through much on this show. She has crazy hips though. He is a little irritating...I can't decide, maybe he'll grow on me. YES to the Tyce annoyance that has been expreassed by many friends...he's universally irratating; though sometimes I like his routines. This one gets an F.
Karlathan (Karla and Jonathan) - They're pretty cute although Matt's right about him...I really think he has a certain awkwardness to him when he's trying to be sexy. Not impressed by Karla. With all the experience she has she should be better. Just my thought. Mary needs to shut her trap.
A lot.
Evandi (Evan and Randi) - I loved this routine! This is what I mean about Tyce's routines being hit or miss for me. The moments of ticking between the smoothness just killed me. I have the HUGEST summer crush on Evan. Like BAD. She is a little awkward. We'll see if she gets more comfortable. How old is she?
Caitson (Caitlin and Jason) - I like Caitlin a lot...I think her stuff is really interesting. That said, I didn't think this was a very good Bollywood routine...I liked it, but I wasn't impressed the way I wanted to be. I like him lots though, I think they're both strong and I'm excited to see what they do next.
Brannette (Brandon and Jeannette) - I was not as bored as I was expecting to be but I have now discovered that I bow to peer pressure and no longer enjoy Brandon as a result of the judges hating on him so much. Also, Jeannette is SOOOO Miami...and it's great!
Kupley (Kupono and Ashley) - I like Ashley's energy and I think Kupono is quirky and fun :)
MelAde (Melissa and Ade) - I'm not surprised that Matt's loving on Melissa ;) I also share Matt's dislike of the pick in Ade's hair but the routine was beautiful. Just GORGEOUS. And the song choice really helps. Adam Shankmen and Mary both needed to shut up after that though. It's like the screaming models on ANTM times a thousand. Brtual.
Kaylax (Kayla and Max) - My housemate walked in halfway through this routine and got so distracted she couldn't finish her sentence and had to sit down and watch until the end. It was good. The thing is, Kayla's dress, was part of it I think. Who knows...
It's predictable but I'm super excited about Wednesday :D
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