Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Because it's Tuesday...

...I thought it might be interesting (as an alternative to seeing a cheap movie that you haven't already watched) to re-watch a movie you have seen from a new perspective! What I mean of course is the commentary track.

My friends (as my university roommate used to say) "really know this" about me but I LOVE watching my favourite movies and TV shows with the commentary track on. I have to admit that being a giant film nerd is part of it but depending on who is doing the commentary it can be insightful, hilarious or altogether disturbing.

Case in point:
Don't ever EVER watch "What a Girl Wants" with the commentary track. I love Amanda Bynes for her fearlessness but it should never extend to commentary tracks on your own.

And so, on this Tuesday I present to you my top 5 commentary tracks...(in no particular order)

There are several tracks on this DVD and the one that I enjoy is the cast commentary. The main reason (and it is not to swoon at the boys as they are neither visible-- clearly-- nor particularly insightful) is that when you stuff that many young actors in one room with their self deprecating director and force them to watch themselves for two hours you get gold. At any given point at least one of the actor's true personalities shines through (Robert Hoffman, the self promoting video hag; Alex Breckenridge's slightly slower intellectual speed) as they continue to make fun of themselves and each other mercilessly throughout. Had me laughing out loud a few times...you'll enjoy it.

There's something wonderful about Sandra Bullock's ease onscreen and it translates beautifully into the commentary that she does on this DVD with writer and longtime friend Marc Lawrence. They seem to travel seemlessly between teasing each other and giving insight into the process of making the film. Being one of the film's producers probably helps but the commentary is fresh and funny and stays true to the lighthearted nature of the film.

Joss Whedon. JOSS WHEDON. I'm sorry, let me contain myself. For those of you who worship the ground this man walks on you've already listened to this commentary several times and probably know it by heart so you can skip this pitch. For anyone who has not had the opportunity to enjoy this commentary (and has any interest AT ALL in the creative process) the commentary on this disk is almost like a personal writing class using the suprising box office smash as the example. If that sounds boring you should probably try listening to it anyway as Joss' playful sense of humour is peppered throughout the track and includes surprising insight into the physicality of film (both for the actors and the crew).

I have often heard it said that showrunners Carter Bayes and Craig Thomas are two of the best at what they do and this commentary track only manages to prove that statement right. Insight into characters, places, plots and jokes the commentary provides great depth to a show that already has some of the snappiest timing on prime time. If you've enjoyed HIMYM and don't want to wait until the next new episode then check this out.

I can't actually pitch this commentary because I haven't heard it yet but just based on the original material (and rumours that there would be a commentary track that was entirely singing) I have to include it if only as an item on my commentary wish list.

Well there you have it, my top 5, feel free to post your own (or even examples of behind the scenes featurettes you love etc.). I really believe it's important to share when something is worth your time. Think of it as a public service announcement.

I'll give you a hint...

And Just when you thought any semblance of originality had disappeared from the vestiges of Hollywood production houses...CLUE: the movie.

Yes that's right...THE MOVIE

Based on a billion dollar making board game from the 40's and brought to you by that guy who made an Oscar nominated trilogy of kids action movies loosely based on a theme park ride, comes 'Clue' from Universal Pictures. It should be noted that this game has already spawned 1985's black comedy "Clue" starring Tim Curry and a host of other known actors which did not do very well commercially but has managed to somehow attract a mini-cult following.

Now to be fair, if I had made billions of dollars based on a board game that the entire world already owns, I too would be trying to find new ways to stretch the product. And who better to direct it than Gore Verbinski? He has directed several of the pivotal movies of our time...The Ring, Mousehunt, Hmm...I think I'm sensing a pattern here. I may need to rethink this whole striving for originality thing... Also waiting in the wings according to Variety.com? "Stretch Armstrong", "Monopoly", "Candyland" and "Ouija".

I'm very concerned.

Gore Verbinski to direct 'Clue'

Monday, February 23, 2009

...and again

Well I can tell you what the secrets to a successful manicure are and Step 1 is put the polish on your nails and not the glossy white backdrop...

Clearly this model didn't polish her own nails.

Ripping the Fashion Rags

I have recently realized that I very much enjoy ripping on fashion magazines (particularly the free of charge variety that are piled neatly in the racks that line the walls of bus stops and subway stations). Now it could be my underdeveloped sense of style or the fact that most "off the rack" clothing doesn't exactly accentuate my virtues (read: fit me at all since--and this is not the bitter curvy girl rant--there are VERY few people for whom off the rack actually fits properly). Or it could be that I am bored and unenlightened and "just don't get it". Either way I LOVE to deconstruct the images and information in fashion magazines.

It has become my new time waster.

So I got my hands on a copy of the new issue of "H&M" magazine (admittedly not a feat of great skill seeing as they give them out free when you walk into the store) and inside was a picture of the above monstrosity.

Is it just me, or does this girl look like an escapee from some kind of CW reality show asylum on acid?! It's a little like ANTM decided to have a crossover event with Grey's Anatomy and they've introduced Dr. McPhyscotic. Sorry honey, that part is being quietly plodded through by Kevin McKidd. Oh god I hope they didn't hire him for his name...

...although that might explain a few things.